[kronolith] new patch concerning listAlarms

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Apr 3 08:04:51 PST 2004

Quoting "W. Tasin" <tasin at fhm.edu>:

> here is the patch which fixes a typo and the compare function.

Committed, thanks.

> Now with all my patches (including the "identity"-one) I will be alerted
> by mail, but I will be flooded with mails, because the "seen"-stuff
> inside reminder.php was intended to work on a daemon.
> So my question now is how should this be handled?

reminders.php will save its state to prevent this. I've just committed a bunch
of additional error trapping/logging code to Scheduler.php - see if anything
shows up in your horde log now.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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