[kronolith] added invitations not showing

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Thu Aug 19 04:22:48 PDT 2004


> Would you be able to tell me which files are actually responsible for
> writing the entry to the calendar for the person that has accepted the
> meeting and added it to his/her calendar?

I guess kronolith_import in lib/api.php

But unfortunately it's not that simple.
What happens at the moment is something like this: when the event is exported
(invitiation sent via mail), the unique UID is included with the data. 
When the
event now gets imported into another person's calendard things go wrong 
as this
uid already _is_ in the database. But you can't just create a new uid for your
new entry as you need the original uid as reference.

So the solution is to add a new attribute (database column) for events 
to store
external ids.

This will be done pretty soon (I'll try to start with Tuba on the weekend,
there), so just be patient ;-)

But of course feel free to give it a try and start digging into kronolith.


Quoting Dan H <dhammer at kdhtech.com>:

>> Zitat von Dan H <dhammer at kdhtech.com>:
>>> I am testing out sending invitations with Kronolith to other users.  The
>>> person who gets the request and adds it to their calendar can't see the
>>> event in their calendar.  However if I get a response back from the
>>> person
>>> and update my calendar the update works.  What would cause this?
>> This doesn't work yet if the event is from a shared calendar that both
>> user
>> can see.
>> Jan.
> Would you be able to tell me which files are actually responsible for
> writing the entry to the calendar for the person that has accepted the
> meeting and added it to his/her calendar?
> Dan
> --
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