[kronolith] Re: User Questions again

Eric Katchan katcher at alcor.concordia.ca
Fri Feb 18 12:40:09 PST 2005

Jan Schneider wrote:

>Zitat von Eric Katchan <katcher at alcor.concordia.ca>:
>>Hello all, I am a little confused about permissions.
>>I have enabled user permission to a calendar owned by another user with
>>flags Read and Show.  Is it normal for that user to be able to add
>>events to this calendar?

Any suggestions as to where to look to debug?

>>I hope to be able to accomplish the following:
>>1. Guest should be able to see a public calendar (limitied information
>>presented) without logging in but  allowing color coding of entries in
>>month calendar  to reflect different categories. (SHOW ONLY)
>Categories are already event details, thus only visible with READ permissions.

Can the information displayed be configurable - by user or group?
It seems as if it is"SEE ALL" or see "EVENT NAME and Time"

>>2. User or Group of users able to view all information concerning the
>>same calendar described above but not able to insert new events. (READ
>Should work.
Does not , user or group is/are able to add a new event o the 
calendar????  Go figure.

>>3. Ownere of said calendar can do with it as they please.
Works always.


I know but i just threw that it ;)

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