[kronolith] 2 shared calendar questions

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Sat Feb 26 10:52:00 PST 2005


I am looking at the shared calendar function in Kronolith.  When I setup the
permissions for others to be able to view my calendar, this seems to be
working fine.  My issue is there is no way to tell whose calendar you are
viewing at the time.  Sure, I click on the selection box and choose the
calendar I want to view, but when the calendar comes up the selection box
shows My Calendars again.  So, if I get off track or have not too bright of
users, one could get confused.  My question is, is there a setting that I
may have missed that will display the user's name of the calendar I am
viewing?  If not, how does one make a feature request for consideration?  I
don't know PHP, else I would try looking into this myself.

Second, is there a way to differentiate the events I put on my calendar vs.
others, when viewing shared calendars?  Or, is the answer to this question
to make sure that I assign categories to my events, color code those, then
when viewing a shared calendar I'll see my events in my color code and the
other user's in the default unfiled color? 

Hope that makes sense, and again thanks for the time,


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