[kronolith] [PATCH] Monthly view: only 5 weeks displayed

Christoph Gysin cgysin at gmx.ch
Tue May 31 07:51:43 PDT 2005

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Christoph Gysin <cgysin at gmx.ch>:
>>If a month starts with a Sunday and a user configures Monday to be the first
>>weekday, not the whole months gets displayed.
> Works fine here with the current code from CVS, both, HEAD and 
> FRAMEWORK_3 branches.

Sorry for the noise then. I just checked the month.php over the chora CVS
viewer, and there wasn't a change regarding the $daysInView variable. Must be
handled somewhere else then...

Thanks anyway,
echo mailto: NOSPAM !#$.'<*>'|sed 's. ..'|tr "<*> !#:2" org at fr33z3

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