[kronolith] Free/busy and remote calendar questions

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jun 1 07:23:41 PDT 2005

Zitat von Josh Kelley <josh at jbc.edu>:

>>> Second, I tried adding US Holidays from Apple's site
>>> (webcal://ical.mac.com/ical/US32Holidays.ics) to the Remote Calendars
>>> section, but the US Holidays recurrences don't seem to be working
>>> properly.  For example, Memorial Day shows up as 5/31 (Tuesday), when it
>>> should be 5/30 (Monday).  The .ics file contains the following
>>> recurrence rule for Memorial Day:
>> We don't support that kind of recurrence yet.
> Thanks for the information.
> Are there any plans to implement either feature?  Would patches be
> welcome for either feature?



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