[kronolith] Adding Events to Public Calendars

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Jun 6 10:28:44 PDT 2005

Zitat von Brent Blayney <brent at fratcourses.com>:

> With respect to kronolith, I'm trying to set up one public calendar for
> tracking inbound freight shipments.  This calendar should be visible to all
> authenticated users but writable only by a select few.  I think I can manage
> the permissions side of things fine, but I'm having trouble adding events to
> the public calendar.  When I go to add an event, it defaults to add to my
> personal calendar, and there is no option (that I can see) which allows me
> to specify which calendar to add the event to!

If you have more then one calendar with write access, you get a drop 
down list in the event edit form to specify the calendar.


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