[kronolith] always no alerts...

Alain DEFRANCE alain.defrance at univ-evry.fr
Fri Sep 30 05:35:44 PDT 2005

Horde: 3.0.3 ,  Imp: H3 (4.0.2) ,  Kronolith: H3 (2.0.4-RC1)

about my problem with no alert in kronolith, here's my logs :

Sep 30 14:08:04 HORDE [debug] [kronolith] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::getAttributes(): SELECT attribute_name AS name, attribute_key AS "key", attribute_value AS value FROM horde_datatree_attributes WHERE datatree_id = 23 [on line 899 of "/usr/apache2/htdocs/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Sep 30 14:08:04 HORDE [emergency] [kronolith] Prefs_ldap : required extension LDAP not found. [on line  of ""]

it seems than Kronolith is searching for "Prefs_ldap" but the events are stored in mysql...

do you know why ?

thanks for reply


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