[kronolith] new fuatures!!!

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Mar 17 20:02:06 PST 2006

Quoting dim corso <dimcorso at yahoo.com>:

>   some days ago I talk to U about adding some new features to   
> kronolith that I'm sure will make this app stronger. I have been   
> reading the Contributing to Horde page and the first step I read   
> there is "to discuss this features in the app mailing list", I did   
> that but I didn't get any answer from U. I'm a member of the   
> teamwork in a cuban university and this is my last year in the   
> university so I'm developing a project about the groupware   
> technologies and I'm suggesting U some fueatures that can upgrade   
> kronolith. I'm trying to steal the project, I'm trying to contribute  
>  with U. Remember that I'm implementing this fueatures since the   
> kronolith 2.0 was released and now I'm applying the changes to the   
> final release 2.1. So I have a version of kronolith with some new   
> features working here...
>   Answer my and thus we can have a discussion about the fueatures I   
> propose to U.

And what are those features?


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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