[kronolith] editing attendees

LALOT Dominique lalot at univ-aix.fr
Tue Apr 25 00:54:36 PDT 2006

LALOT Dominique a écrit :
> Hello,
> I don't understand why in adding attendees, expand names is using a 
> search on email address.
> using ldap directory:
> If we share an IMAP folder, we are ask for a login.
> sending an email, there is a search for a cn, then get the mail attrib
> An here the filter is (asking developping names for pipo):
> "(&(&(mail=*)(|(objectclass=xxx)(objectclass=xxx)))(&(mail=pipo at localhost)))" 
> I would prefer searching for uid or cn..

Hum.. I did not trace very well, in fact in developing, I just get:
Apr 25 09:47:25 HORDE [debug] [kronolith] 
65563e912ccf40c731a60f3b4a86e4bb /horde/kronolith/attendees.phpSQL event 
list by lalot: query = "SELECT event_id, event_uid, event_description, 
event_location, event_status, event_attendees, event_keywords, 
event_title, event_category, event_recurtype, event_recurenddate, 
event_recurinterval, event_recurdays, event_start, event_end, 
event_alarm, event_modified, event_exceptions, event_creator_id FROM 
kronolith_events WHERE calendar_id = ? AND ((event_end > ? AND 
event_start < ?) OR (event_recurenddate >= ? AND event_start <= ? AND 
event_recurtype <> ?))" [on line 288 of 

And I don't understand how it works...

What I previously said only happened when adding an attendee, which is 
from my point of view not very good.
If you share a folder using login, how can you explain that it does not 
work for attendees?.
search for login, get the email then build the fb url would be great and 
easier for us.

What do you think?. May be there is an option to behave like this?.

> Then, another question: is there a way to get a fixed default fb url for 
>  all the people in the ldap directory, just to get something easier with 
> less functionalities.
> Thanks
> Dominique

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