[kronolith] Modify other users' catagory color

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Aug 9 09:15:22 PDT 2006

Zitat von Brian Herron <bherron at espri.arizona.edu>:

> First off, I just subscribed and I don't have any intention of   
> causing problems.  Secondly, I'm not what one might call a "seasoned  
>  programmer" -- I'm more of an "I-don't-know-how programmer". With   
> that out of the way I have a suggestion/request:
> The calendar is great, but I encounter one thing that would greatly   
> aid my organization. When viewing shared-calendars I get to see each  
>  "category" that every individual calendar/user uses for its/his own  
>  events (they appear directly below the calendar on the left).  But,  
>  I can only change my own categories' colors (Options>Global   
> Options>Categories and Labels).  Shared calendar's categories do not  
>  appear in the options so I cannot modify category-colors  
> originating  from a shared calendar; therefore all shared categories  
> are colored  as "Unfiled" or "Default".

Feel free to file an enhancement request on bugs.horde.org.


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