[kronolith] no free/booked information in shared calendar

Christopher Engels christopher.engels at gmx.de
Wed Feb 7 23:54:02 PST 2007


Horde Version:         3.1.3
Kronolith Version:     H3 (2.1.4)
Turba Version:          H3 (2.1.2)

I have a problem with the free/booked information in Kronolith.

A few users use a shared calendar called "Gruppenkalender". The "Gruppenkalender" is a calendar of the user "xy" and the other users have all rights on this calendar (read and write). So I think this calendar is correctly implemented as a group calendar. An address book is implemented in the same way with name, email address and free/booked information (in the format: http://isfp010/horde/kronolith/fb.php?u=USERNAME) of all users using the "Gruppenkalender". Every user set his own private calendar and the "Gruppenkalender" to be included to the free/booked information. But if one of the users wants to invite another user to a meeting for example, he doesn't see the name of the person he added to the attendees. He sees only the free/booked information of the person. And this free/booked information doesn't include information about his own private calendar, but only for the "Gruppenkalender".

I tried that every user just includes his own private calendar into his free/booked information. Then a user can see the attendees name and their free/booked information (but of course only for their own private calendar).

The questions: Have I done something wrong while configuring the group calendar? I need the name of the attendee and his free/booked information including information about his private calendar and the "Gruppenkalender" displayed correctly. What should I do?


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