[kronolith] Recurrence broken in Kronolith -> lastest 3.x Funambol client for WM

Andy Wright horde at eltofts.homelinux.com
Mon Apr 2 14:46:11 UTC 2007

Jochem Meyers wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I try to synchronize an item with daily recurrence that ends after an x
> number of occurrences to my PDA, the items syncs, but the recurrence is
> lost. I've tracked this down to a part of kronolith. When I output $this in
> kronolith/lib/Recurrence.php's toRRule20() function, I get the key-value
> pairs that seem odd to me:
> [recurCount] =>
> [recurType] => 19
> AFAIK, recurType for daily should be 1. The number 19 seems to originate
> from the number of recurrences. I've tested this with another item that
> recurred 10 times, and the recurType was 10 in that case.
> Other than that, when synchronizing items without a maximum number of
> recurrences, with or without an enddate, the recurrence is also lost.
> I've been trying to find the cause, but haven't been able to yet. Iirc, this
> started round-about when recurcount support was added, maybe the adjustments
> made then are the cause of this problem?
> I'll keep digging for the cause, as it's a rather painful bug. If I find
> anything else, I'll post it here. Any help pointing me to a probable cause
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Jochem

I've just noticed the same when Sync-ing to a Nokia N73 - events do not 
recur at all.


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