[kronolith] settings permissions in a shared calendar

Guido Lorenzutti guido at lorenzutti.com.ar
Sun May 6 22:13:33 UTC 2007

Hi people. Im using Horde 3.1.3 with Kronolith 2.1.4 and when I try to 
set permissions to individual users, the list of users is of 12 users 
only. I have 1800 users! In the administration part, in the users tab I 
also have only 12 users. Is like there is somekind of limit. I use LDAP 
as the directory.

Any ideas?

I have the same configuration in Turba and I can see all the users when 
I browse the public address book based on ldap. I don't have the 12 
users limit...

Tnxs in advance.

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