[kronolith] meeting rooms and locations

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu May 3 00:53:05 UTC 2007

Quoting Steve Wray <steve.wray at cwa.co.nz>:

> we have a bunch of meeting rooms and would like to use kronolith to
> manage the scheduling of meetings in them.
> At present, we use 'meetingmaker' in which we have configured the rooms
> as 'virtual people'. The meeting room virtual person gets 'invited' to a
> meeting in that room etc.
> I'm thinking that a similar approach could work in kronolith; this way
> the meeting room 'person' would have free/busy data etc.
> However I do notice that we have a 'location' field in kronolith so I'm
> wondering if this can be utilised in some way?
> I'm wondering if anyone else has dealt with a similar sort of
> arrangement in kronolith and if there are any suggestions on good ways
> to do this or alternatives to what I've outlined.

Right now there isn't an automated solution for this. If you had  
someone monitor the email addresses of the "virtual people", then that  
solution should work well for you. Alternately you could add some  
scripting either after saving an event or in a separate script to use  
the location field.

However, the good news is that some folks are working on implementing  
a proper resources feature for Kronolith. So this should be available  
by Kronolith 3.0 at the latest.


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