[kronolith] How to disable Calendar Sharing?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Aug 28 03:49:14 UTC 2007

Quoting Paul England <pengland at wxc.co.nz>:

> We currently use Horde and Kronolith for our Web Mail solution, we're a
> small sized ISP with ~10,000 users.
> Recently I have noticed that a user has shared their calendar and is
> available to all users,
> Can anyone assist me in disabling this feature?

You can turn off the DataTree support in Horde, but that will disable  
a number of things.

In Horde 3.2 there is a no_sharing configuration option  
($conf['share']['no_sharing'] that prevents users from changing  
permissions on their shares without disabling anything else.


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