[kronolith] Reminders only get sent to owner

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Dec 18 22:27:20 UTC 2007

Zitat von Johan Huldtgren <johan+kronolith at huldtgren.com>:

>> Reminders are sent to all users who have the event reminder preference
>> set correctly
> See below, as far as I can tell this would satisfy that they have the
> even reminder preference set:
> horde=# select * from horde_prefs where pref_uid='userB' and
> pref_name='event_reminder';
>   pref_uid | pref_scope |   pref_name    | pref_value
> ----------+------------+----------------+------------
>   userB    | kronolith  | event_reminder | read
> (1 row)
>> and have an email address set in their identities set.
> I'm assuming this is the identities that you define globally in horde?
> If so, yes userB has an e-mail address set there.
> horde=# select * from horde_prefs where pref_uid='userB' and
> pref_name='identities';
>   pref_uid | pref_scope | pref_name  | pref_value
>   userB    | horde      | identities |
> a:2:{i:0;a:11:{s:2:"id";s:16:"Default
> Identity";s:8:"fullname";s:12:"User
> B";s:9:"from_addr";s:20:"userB at domain.com";s:12:"replyto_addr";s:20:"userB at domain.com";s:9:"signature";s:0:"";s:9:"sig_first";i:0;s:10:"sig_dashes";i:0;s:14:"save_sent_mail";s:1:"1";s:16:"sent_mail_folder";s:9:"sent-mail";s:11:"private_key";N;s:16:"private_key_type";N;}     
> i:1;a:14:{s:16:"default_identity";s:1:"0";s:2:"id";s:3:"Alias";s:8:"fullname";s:12:"User
> B";s:9:"from_addr";s:17:"userBAlias at domain.com";s:12:"replyto_addr";s:17:"userBAlias at domain.com";s:10:"alias_addr";a:0:{}s:10:"tieto_addr";a:0:{}s:8:"bcc_addr";a:0:{}s:8:"mail_hdr";s:0:"";s:9:"signature";s:9:"UserBAlias";s:10:"sig_dashes";i:1;s:9:"sig_first";i:1;s:14:"save_sent_mail";i:1;s:16:"sent_mail_folder";s:9:"sent-mail";}}
> This was working flawlessly up until a few weeks ago, and the
> user's settings haven't changed and while I can't swear to it
> (the user didn't actually mention this until later), I think it
> happened at the same time we upgraded horde to 3.1.5.

And you are sure that the message might not leaving Kronolith and get  
lost at a later point. If you enable logging, which recipients are  
being mentioned?

Beside that, you probably have to trace the code  
(kronolith/lib/Scheduler/kronolith.php) yourself.


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