[kronolith] Reminders not sending and script not exiting

Gareth McCumskey gmccumskey at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 05:50:26 UTC 2008

Greetings all....

I needed some help with a Kronolith setup we currently run. We are trying to
setup the reminders but are having trouble as all instructions say create a
cron and yet when we do the reminders.php file (v runs but never

I had thought this may be a daemon because of code found at the bottom of
that file:

$reminder = &Horde_Scheduler::unserialize('Horde_Scheduler_kronolith');

// Start the daemon going.

Problem is I have joined the project we are working on late in development,
do not have all the information to hand and documentation to what was done
to the Horde install is pretty much non existant.

If anyone can guide me to directions on how to get that to run...

All help is appreciated and thank you in advance :)

Gareth McCumskey

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