[kronolith] Problem with import of meeting invitation to own calendar
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Thu Jan 17 09:16:21 UTC 2008
Zitat von Alexander Bruckner <bruckner at universaledition.com>:
> Zitat von Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Alexander Bruckner <bruckner at universaledition.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am testing these versions:
>>> - Kronolith: H3 (2.2-RC1)
>>> - Dimp: H3 (1.0-RC1)
>>> - Horde: 3.2-RC1
>>> - Imp: H3 (4.2-RC1)
>>> with PHP 4.4.4-8+etch4.
>>> When userA creates a calendar entry and sends an invitation to userB,
>>> userB cannot add the entry to his own calendar. The error message is:
>>> "There was an error importing the event: Already Exists"
>>> The problem seems to be that userA has already added the event to his
>>> calendar. When userB tries to import the event (function
>>> _kronolith_import in lib/api.php) an error is raised by the function
>>> getByUID in lib/Driver/sql.php, which finds an event in the database
>>> with the given uid (since userA has already added the event).
>>> I have already tried to extend the getByUID function by passing the
>>> calendar_id so that an event is only returned, if uid and calendar_id
>>> already exist:
>>> lib/api.php:
>>> $existing_event = &$kronolith_driver->getByUID($uid,$calendar);
>>> lib/Driver/sql.php:
>>> $query = 'SELECT event_id, event_uid, calendar_id, event_description,' \
>>> .
>>> ' event_location, event_private, event_status,
>>> event_attendees,' .
>>> ' event_keywords, event_title, event_category,
>>> event_recurcount,' .
>>> ' event_recurtype, event_recurenddate, event_recurinterval,' .
>>> ' event_recurdays, event_start, event_end, event_alarm,' .
>>> ' event_modified, event_exceptions, event_creator_id' .
>>> ' FROM ' . $this->_params['table'] . ' WHERE event_uid = ?' .
>>> ' AND calendar_id = ?';
>>> $values = array($uid,$calendar);
>>> This seems to solve the import problem for userB, but now syncing the
>>> calendar with funambol doesn't work anymore, as the getByUID function
>>> is used in other places to with only the uid-parameter.
>>> Is there a solution to this ?
>> Yes, don't mix shared calendars and invitations. If you have events in
>> a shared calendar, there is no need to send invitations to the same
>> users that already see this event.
> But I have currently no idea why one of the calendars of userA or
> userB should be shared ?
> I am using a default installation, the parameter
> $conf['autoshare']['shareperms'] = 'none' is set in conf.php and in
> the permissions window of the users calendar only the user himself
> seems to have any permissions.
That shouldn't happen then.
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