[kronolith] Debugging Reminders

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Feb 7 23:28:36 UTC 2008

Zitat von Steve Devine <sad2 at msu.edu>:

> So my question(s) are:
> Are there any debug flags that I can enable to troubleshoot this further?

Enable logging in Horde's configuration.

> mysql> select event_alarm, event_start,event_status  from
> kronolith_events where event_alarm!=0 and event_start >'2008-02-07'
> limit 5;
> +-------------+---------------------+--------------+
> | event_alarm | event_start         | event_status |
> +-------------+---------------------+--------------+
> |          45 | 2008-02-07 07:00:00 |            2 |
> +-------------+---------------------+--------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> What is the significance of event_status = 2 ?

Whether the event is free time, tentative, or confirmed.


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