[kronolith] Large User Base question

Andrew Morgan morgan at orst.edu
Thu Feb 28 00:33:30 UTC 2008

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Andrew Morgan <morgan at orst.edu>:
>> The lock directory will fill up with memcache lock files.  I wrote a
>> script to clean these up, which we run once a day.  I have attached
>> it to this message.
> Hmm, is this an issue for other memcache users? Andrew, could you post
> the script to a ticket on bugs.horde.org? Seems like we could modify
> it a bit to use the Horde-level memcache config and distribute it in
> the scripts/ directory.

Sure, it is:


If I remember correctly, this isn't an issue in the new RC versions of 
Horde because it does not generate lock files.


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