[kronolith] public calendar with kronolith / kolab

Mike Gabriel m.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de
Mon Mar 3 12:08:42 UTC 2008

hi there,

i want to provide a public / open calendar that is stored in horde and  
viewable with kronolith prior to the horde user login. my horde site  
is completely configured as a kolab webclient.

has anyone configured this successfully?

thx for any hints!!!


das netzwerkteam
mike gabriel, hamburger chaussee 240, 24113 kiel

fon: +49 431 64 74 196
voip/voicemail: +49 431 643 643 6
fax: +49 431 64 74 276
mail: m.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de

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