[kronolith] edit remote ics with sunbird/lightning

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Mar 17 17:49:47 UTC 2008

Quoting Elliot Anders <elliot at marlboro.edu>:

> I would like to either take a crack at writing a more full featured
> caldav backend for Kronolith or possibly sponsor a bounty for it. I've
> found a few patches for read-only caldav support, but before I begin I
> thought I should see if anyone else is working on this so I don't
> duplicate effort.
> I'd like to make Kronolith a full-fledged davical client.  
> (http://rscds.sourceforge.net
> )
> If I were to sponsor a bounty would $500 make it happen?

It depends what your goals are and what you're starting from. Have you  
looked at what's available in HEAD and the Kronolith 2.2 RCs, and  
also: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/4267

Jan might have a better idea of the scale here.


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