[kronolith] Remote Calendars to Google

Terrill Yuhas tyuhas at email.arizona.edu
Fri May 16 17:18:32 UTC 2008

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Terrill Yuhas <tyuhas at email.arizona.edu>:
>> I'm using Horde 3.2-RC3 and Kronolith H3 (2.2-RC2) to connect to Google
>> Calendars via the Remote Calendar feature.  Right now the data from the
>> Google calendar only seems to render on Kronolith when I use the private
>> URL (which I found out doesn't require login credentials) or if the
>> calendar is public sharing everything (all event detail).  A public
>> calendar just sharing free/busy info (ex:
>> http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/t2tv975675dsfh0h44hhq6o40s%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics)
>> doesn't give an error but the data isn't rendered in Kronolith.  The
>> calendars shared from my colleagues don't show up when using
>> authentication.   The debug info for those in the logs show:
>> Apr 28 09:53:59 HORDE [error] [kronolith] Failed to retrieve remote
>> calendar: url =
>> "http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/dk3pj7l61p7u4tl40nqppusqas%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics",
>> status = 404 [pid 30849 on line 458 of
>> "/home/htdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php"]
>> Which is the correct response if you go to that URL w/o authentication
>> or with incorrect authentication.  It seems the issue might be with
>> sending the credentials?
> It doesn't seem like that URL prompts for HTTP authentication - if the  
> URL requires google accounts authentication, that's a different kettle  
> of fish.
> -chuck
Yep, you are definitely correct!  I've dug around for info on Google 
authentication and have finally got some bit of code that's bringing 
that data over into Kronolith as a remote cal subscription.  I'm having 
an issue with the username though (hardcoded that value so I could 
test).  When I setup a remote calendar in Manage Calendars,  the 
username from there doesn't seem to get used (but the password does).  
The $user appears to be my Horde login username and not the one that's 
in the Manage Calendars section though $password is correct.

Oh, and when I go back into Manage Calendars to edit, the username shows 
up encrypted.  I'm not sure if that's by design.

I'm at Kronolith 2.2-RC3


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