[kronolith] how to re: Added calendar widgets embeddable into external websites

gimili gimili17 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 11:56:29 UTC 2008

Michael Rubinsky wrote:
> Please keep discussions on list so others can benefit.
> Quoting gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:
>> Michael Rubinsky wrote:
>>> To embed a small month-view calendar:
>>> <div id="kronolithCal"></div>
>>> <script 
>>> src="http://yourdomain.com/horde/kronolith/imple.php?imple=Embed/container=kronolithCal/view=month/calendar=yourcalendarname" 
>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>> To embed a summary view:
>>> <div id="kronolithCal2"></div>
>>> <script type="text/javascript" 
>>> src="http://yourdomain.com/horde/kronolith/imple.php?imple=Embed/container=kronolithCal2/view=summary/calendar=4ab0dab2ff41a140ceecd5e053ee8efc"></script> 
>>> The div can go anywhere on your page/blog (you can see some samples 
>>> on my 'sandbox' blogger account at http://mrubinsk.blogspot.com) 
>>> etc... and you can have multiple embedded views on the same page by 
>>> giving the div for each one a seperate dom id. Also, as you can see, 
>>> the 'calendar' attribute should be the internal name of the calendar 
>>> you want to embed. For most users' default calendars this would be 
>>> the username, but you can see the calendar names by viewing the 
>>> calendar information page.  In the next release of kronolith, these 
>>> code snippits will display on the information page also. (The month 
>>> view code has already been added to the information page in the 
>>> latest CVS).
>> Thank you Michael!
>> It works fine with your calendar but when I switch to mine I get:
>>    The method "blockTitle" is not defined in the API for horde.
>>    The method "blockContent" is not defined in the API for horde.
> You probably don't have guest permissions allowed for horde itself.
> Administration->Permissions
Yes Michael that fixed it.  Thanks for the help!  This is a great feature!

3 things I noticed while experimenting:
1.  I tried different views like week and day but they did not work.  I 
gather only works for month and summary?  Is there also a way to get a 
full sized calendar like a print view?
2.  I noticed that when you click on a day it does not show the details 
for that day unless you tick off the calendar on the side.  I tested 
this on your test calendar and got the same result as mine.  If the code 
specifies a specific calendar shouldn't that one be ticked off?  Is this 
an option somewhere?
3.  It doesn't seem to work if I use the friendly calendar name but it 
works if I use the numbers.  I get this error if I preview in frontpage 
when I use the name:  *"Fatal error*: Call to undefined method 
PEAR_Error::hasPermission() in 
*/usr/share/horde3/kronolith/lib/Block/month.php* on line *68".  *When I 
go to firefox it says "No events to display" but there are events.  
Perhaps I have a syntax error or something.  I will check out the code 
from your site to see if I can spot something I did wrong.
**Thanks again!**

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