[kronolith] how to re: Added calendar widgets embeddable into external websites

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Oct 1 20:11:53 UTC 2008

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

>> 2.  I noticed that when you click on a day it does not show the   
>> details for that day unless you tick off the calendar on the side.   
>>  I tested this on your test calendar and got the same result as  
>> mine.   If the code specifies a specific calendar shouldn't that  
>> one be  ticked off?  Is this an option somewhere?
> Hm. I had not noticed that before, but you are correct. That's   
> something that will have to be looked into. The issue is that those   
> 'ticks' are controlled as a user preference and if your viewing the   
> calendar as a guest you have the default preference value. Perhaps  
> we could pass the calendar name as a get variable to force showing it?

The links could use display_cal=calid to force the display of the  
relevant calendar.


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