[kronolith] XML-RPC calls to calendar.import really slow

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Oct 11 16:26:46 UTC 2008

Zitat von Iikku Mattila <iikku at eduix.fi>:

> Hi,
> I have an application which at its busiest will be importing ~15 000 single
> events per day to users' calendars. Importing a single event takes around
> five seconds, though, so importing 15k events would take about 20 hours.
> That's quite a while.
> How can the importing be that slow and is there anything I could do to
> fasten it up? I'm using Apache's xml-rpc client for java and Kronolith H3
> (2.2), if that matters.

You can install Xdebug and locate the bottlenecks in the Kronolith  
code. Importing is not a functionality that would have been worth  
optimizing so far. But if you provide some profiling data, we could  
see where optimizations are possible.

> Writing straight to the database is a possibility, but are there any
> ready-made Kronolith-libraries for Java or should I write one of my own?

That's not worth it. RPC is a good choice if you don't want to write  
the database directly.


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