[kronolith] Syncronizing with Nokia 5300 mobile phone

Roberto Maurizzi roberto.maurizzi at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 15:47:16 UTC 2009

2009/3/25 Ralph Kutschera <news2008 at ecuapac.dyndns.org>

> Robert McAuley schrieb:
>> For Horde syncing with my N82 (Symbian S60 v3 FP1) I had to:
>> - Set SyncML version to 1.1, not 1.2.
> Where did you do that? On the server or the phone? I cannot find settings
> on neither one.

That's for Symbian based phones. I don't think 5300 is a Symbian based phone
since the official Nokia apps I can find for it are all java files
(.jar/.jad) and not .sis or .sisx

> BTW: Where can I find out which operating system is installed to my phone?
> The last firmware update just gave me v7.20.

I saw in your apache log the line:

94.245.xxx.xxx - - [24/Mar/2009:22:24:23 +0100] "POST /rpc.php HTTP/1.1" 200
478 "-" "Nokia5300/2.0 (04.70) Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1" "-"

So your phone connects to the webserver stating it's a Nokia5300 Rel. 2.0
with a firmware number of 04.70.
MIDP-2.0 makes me think your sync software is written in Java instead of
being "native" on the phone OS, so it's a totally different case from the
other Nokia phones (E and N series) based on Symbian OSes.

Regarding SyncML version, the phone and Horde are already using 1.1 (it's in
the logs) so that's not the problem.

What's your logging level in Horde configuration? If it's not at
PEAR_LOG_DEBUG try setting it so, and look in your horde.log if there's
something meaningful.


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