[kronolith] Birthday Reminders

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Fri May 22 17:31:16 UTC 2009

I've got an issue with Birthday items showing up on my Calendar.  I  
have personal contacts and add their birthday's or anniversary's so  
that it will show up in my calendar.  This works fine, but on my  
calendar view, when I look at an entry, it shows that there is an  
alarm set and it should be sent 1 hour in advance.  No alarm is being  
sent and I don't see where you actually set an alarm or time for this.  
  I do have default alarm setting set to 1 hour.

Would someone please explain if I am doing something wrong, and how to  
correct it, or have mis-interpreted what should be happenning?


John H. Bennett III

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