[kronolith] Problem with charset using iCalendar

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu May 21 12:49:59 UTC 2009

Zitat von Michael Anders <development at visart.de>:

> Hi everybody,
> after I couldn’t find a solution in the archive or other pages I like to try
> it here.
> I’m trying to connect my Thunderbird/Lightning to the calendar and task list
> at my Horde Groupware Webmail Edition (1.2.3) which works fine until someone
> is using German characters in a task, then I got the thunderbird error
> CAL_UTF8_DECODING_FAILED (Description: An error occured while decoding an
> iCalendar (ics) file as UTF-8. Check that the file, including symbols and
> accented letters, is encoded using the UTF-8 character encoding.).
> I can´t find the problem, all my configurations are based on utf-8,
> including the whole mysql database. All special chars are displayed
> correctly on the GUI. And I can actually create a task in Thunderbird with
> special chars, which is correctly saved in Horde, don’t work the way back
> though.
> Does anybody have a good idea for a quick solution?

I don't experience any issues with Sunbird and events that contain umlauts.


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
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