[kronolith] Content/Language Daily Agenda

Manuel Schwab manuel at manuelschwab.de
Thu Jul 23 01:03:22 UTC 2009

Hello list,

a few quesions regaring Daily Agenda.

- is it possible to set an option to receive a daily agenda even if 
there is no entry in this day? Best thing would be to receive a message 
with information "no meetings today" or something like this. Maybe there 
is still such an option but I can not find it.
If there is no option available what is the best way to modify this?

- is it possible to show not only the start time in the daily agenda but 
duration, too?

- Furthermore I noticed a strange language problem.
When I add a new appointment in kronolith I get a email in German 
("Termin hinzugefügt..."). That' s okay because I want to have the 
messages in German.
But when I receive a reminder or the daily agenda, both of them are in 
How does kronolith choose the language?

Any help is appreciated.

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