[kronolith] Kronolith 3.0-git Can't find constant

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Aug 23 07:46:57 UTC 2010

Zitat von Michael Gröne <michael.groene at zew.uni-hannover.de>:

> (sorry, I first mailed accidentally to Jan, not the list)
> Am 22.08.2010 00:31, schrieb Jan Schneider:
>> Zitat von Michael Gröne <michael.groene at zew.uni-hannover.de>:
>> According to the PHP docs, these constants should be defined by default:
>> http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.constants.php
> Yes, I found that document after the post, too.
> But when I call print_r(get_defined_constants()); on my system, many  
> many defined constants are given back, but not the ones starting  
> with MON_x or DAY_x. I use PHP-version 5.3.1.

Maybe the documentation is wrong. The constants are only used in the  
nl_langinfo() function, and this function doesn't exist on Windows.  
Maybe the constants are not defined there either.


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