[kronolith] Kronolith slow

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Fri Aug 27 06:46:55 UTC 2010

Jan Schneider schreef:
> Zitat von Paul van der Vlis <paul at vandervlis.nl>:
>> Michael Rubinsky schreef:
>>> Quoting Paul van der Vlis <paul at vandervlis.nl>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> At a customer I have Kronolith with autologin.
>>> Not sure what you mean by "autologin".
>> It's a configuration option where you automatically login as some user,
>> so without asking for username and password. It's behind a firewall.
>> Everybody is working in the same calendar.
>>>> It is slow when e.g. switching from week to week.
>>> Do you have any other calendars activated in right hand side panel? For
>>> example, contact birthdays?
>> No, I have not.
>>>> I see sometimes a message "LOADING" in the background.
>>>> What can I do to make it more fast?
>>> Well, that depends on what is making it slow ;) *How* slow are we
>>> talking?
>> What I do it in a test is something like 3 seconds. But they work with
>> it every day, and they say it's sometimes 20 seconds.
>>> How many events, how many calendars are displayed at once,
>>> etc...?
>> It's a firm with 5 employees. So maybe 2 at once ;-)
>>> What is your storage backend?
>> Mysql database.
> This rather sounds like timeouts or dns resolving issues somewhere on
> the backend. The easiest way to track this down is to use Xdebug to
> generate profiling information, and KCachegrind or something similar to
> analyse that information.

I did some tests with MySQL and I spoke to the customer, the problem is
different as I wrote, I am sorry for that.

Switching from week to week is sometimes fast, sometimes about 3
seconds, not 20.

The biggest problem is that when you switch from week to week, sometimes
there appears not one, but two menubars on the top. Then you cannot
switch anymore from week to week. After a refresh from the browser it's
OK again, but it's very irritating.

What could be wrong?

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


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