[kronolith] Screenshot

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Tue Feb 22 09:27:58 UTC 2011

Op 22-02-11 09:40, Paul van der Vlis schreef:
> Op 21-02-11 11:51, Jan Schneider schreef:
>> Zitat von Paul van der Vlis <paul at vandervlis.nl>:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is a screenshot of the problem what a customer have:
>>> http://www.vandervlis.nl/kronolith.jpg
>>> The bar is there 2 times, and you cannot go to another week anymore.
>>> This happens sometimes, more then once a day, and it's very irritating.
>>> You have to reload the page to get it normal again.
>>> We have seen the problem with Firefox and Chrome, so it's not browser
>>> specific.
>>> We have seen the problem with Horde/Kronolith what comes with Debian
>>> Lenny and with Debian Squeeze. So it's not one version.
>>> Does somebody know what could be done against it?
>> Maybe some buggy bytecode cache?
> So far I know I don't use a bytecode cache. It's a standard Debian
> installation with Apache2 and nothing special. I will ask if there is a
> bytecode cache there.

I have asked, and other people also say there is standard no bytecode
interpreter in Debian. I've also searched for Zend Optimizer, php-apc,
eAccelerator, ionCube and php5-xcache but nothing found on that machine.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


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