[kronolith] Free/busy working in Traditional, broken in Dynamic

AsdrúbalDomínguez adominguez at cne.gob.ve
Wed Jul 20 19:28:15 UTC 2011

Jan Schneider <jan <at> horde.org> writes:

> Zitat von Steve Teti <steti <at> monmouth.com>:
> At least it seems to work fine for every developer. But:  
> http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/10347

I found the problem, that is on file “horde/kronolith/js/kronolith.js” and is
related with the way to find the “free/busy scheduling” response, because is
index using the users description (“Name <email at doman.com>”) and them when the
information is needed, is looking using the users mail “email at doman.com” so it
nerver will be find.

So we have to change  the line 5442 from:




And the script will be “almost” working, the olny problem now is that “always”
appear as “free” not matter if the user have a full day. It's because the div's
“height” isn't set, so is too think that it can't be seen. For that problem we
have to change the line 5517 (is not the exact line because I change the file
but y very close to that number) from:

div = new Element('div').setStyle({ position: 'relative' });


div = new Element('div').setStyle({ position: 'relative', height:
(td.offsetHeight - 3) + 'px' });

And now we can enjoy from a fully complete “free/busy scheduling”, rest only a
few problem when the user have not busy day at all, so the  response is empty
and the script fail because it, so the complete change is from:

div = new Element('div').setStyle({ position: 'relative' });

div = new Element('div').setStyle({ position: 'relative', height:
(td.offsetHeight - 3) + 'px' });
	// Now verify that we got the correct occupation information for the user 
       if (fb.b.constructor != Object)

That's all.

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