[kronolith] Why CalDAV works with DaviCal, but not with SabreDAV

Christof Buergi christof at buergi.lugs.ch
Tue Nov 1 15:33:05 UTC 2011


Okay, I think I found the problem. It's about XML namespaces.

For instance, DaviCal responds to a PROPFIND something like this:

<multistatus xmlns="DAV:"><property>...

SabreDAV, and I'm sure several other servers, responds like that:

<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:property>...

Assuming we have a SimpleXML object "$response", this:


works with DaviCal's response, but not with SabreDAV's. For that, it  
should go like:


This is still guesswork, mind you. But if you like, I can try it on  
the actual source, and open a proper bugreport.

SIP          sip:christof at sip.lugs.ch                SIPBroker *2731001
Jabber/GTalk christof at buergi.lugs.ch                 ICQ       21348341

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