[kronolith] Remote shared calendars on kronolith 4.0

Daniel Machado Grilo daniel.grilo at pdmfc.com
Tue Nov 15 17:06:45 UTC 2011

  Dear Kronolith developers,

I'm trying to add some google calendars shared with every kronolith user.

So I've added in prefs.php:
$_prefs['remote_cals'] = array(
   'value' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:20:"Feriados 

$_prefs['display_remote_cals'] = $_prefs['remote_cals'];
$_prefs['display_external_cals'] = $_prefs['remote_cals'];

I'm not sure what is the correct variable to define so I set the 3 of 
them .. but none seem to work.

I've already used version 3.XX and previously I had some other options 
defined that I've also tried:
$_prefs['remote_cals'] = array(
     'value' => 'a:12:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:18:"Vacations 
     'locked' => false,
     'shared' => true,
     'type' => 'implicit',

This worked in previous version, but I can't get it to work now. Is 
there any voodoo preference I have to define ?!

Looking deeper in the code, it seems that the $GLOBALS for 
remote_calendars array has some 'd' and 'v' values .. (default and value 
!?) and 'v' does not have what is supposed to..

Thanks in Advance,

Daniel Grilo
IT Director
Av. Conde Valbom 30, 3o // 1050-068 Lisboa (Portugal)
web: http://www.pdmfc.com
Tel: +351 21 357 20 29 // mobile: +351 91 388 94 39
Fax: +351 21 357 20 31

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-------- Random Quote -------
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drops of blood form on your forehead.
		-- Gene Fowler

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