[kronolith] Month view of events in calendar

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Nov 23 15:40:26 UTC 2011

Quoting Anna Christina Naß <acn at annachristina.eu>:

> Hi,
> As I'd like to switch from Google Apps to Horde in the future, I'm  
> fiddling around with Kronolith.
> I'd like to work in month view, so the following question applies to  
> month view.
> And I'm using the dynamic version.
> Is it possible (or at least: Will it be possible soon?) to have a  
> visible distinction between all-day-events and events with a  
> starting time?
> In Google Calendar the all-day-events have a solid background color  
> and the "normal" events have a colored text with white background.

I'm not sure if it's currently on anyone's todo list, but you could  
open an enhancement request on http://bugs.horde.org. Personally, I'm  
not sure I like the way Google does it, but I'm sure there are other  
options we could discuss.

> Besides, is it possible to (optionally) have the starting time of an  
> event shown next to it?

I believe there is already an enhancement request for this...and it's  
something that is on my personal wish/todo list...so, something that  
might happen in the not-too-distant future.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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