[kronolith] new install/database query issue

Larry Weldon lweldon at weldoncomputers.com
Wed Mar 7 22:14:16 UTC 2012

Quoting Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org>:

> Citeren Larry Weldon <lweldon at weldoncomputers.com>:
>>> Can I drop the horde database and expect the migration scripts will
>>> create the database properly?
>> Since I hadn't heard anything I used mysql and "drop database   
>> horde;". I set the conf.php back to conf.php.dist and used the   
>> button "Update all configurations".
>> I then receive this message:
>> The configuration for horde cannot be updated automatically. Please  
>>  update the configuration manually.
> Check the permissions on the conf.php file. Most likely, the webserver
> has no permission to write it. Usually the file will be owned by 'root'
> and group is set to the group apache is running (in my case, this is
> 'www').
> Regards, Arjen
Thanks Arjen, but the file was OK. I solved the whole issue and am  
pretty impressed with the new Horde (webmail et al). I imported my  
contacts and set an alarm and test task/ added a note. The best thing  
I like about horde is being able to set reminders that go to my email  
and (through a qmail forward) to my phone. It's a little like google  
on my android except I don't have to go through google :)

I have another server to do and I intend to make better notes since I  
will not have so much to figure out. How would I go about adding it to  
the documentation if I wanted to?


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