[kronolith] Postgres and h3 to h4

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Mar 28 14:40:00 UTC 2012

Zitat von Christopher Neuhaus <cne at ruhrverband.de>:

> Hi List!
> I just want to migrate from h3 to 4. Everything works fine but when  
> I want to update the kronolith db-scheme something goes wrong.
> Because I don`t see anything but a exclamation mark at the  
> admin-page, I use the horde-db-migrate script.
> h3 and 4 db encoding is LATIN1.

> Migrating to HordePrefsUpgradeBinaryValue (2)
> == 2 HordePrefsUpgradeBinaryValue: migrating  
> ==================================
> -- changeColumn('horde_prefs', 'pref_value', 'binary')
> SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 FEHLER: ung�ltige  
> Eingabesyntax f�r Typ bytea
> Is there an incompatibility to the LATIN1 encoding?
> The statement in scripts/upgrades/2009-04-13_horde_pgsql_upgrade.sql  
> does not work and all other attempts like

Why not? *What* doesn't work?

> http://bytes.com/topic/postgresql/answers/174532-cast-text-bytea  
> just produce errors.


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