[kronolith] How to export all agendas of each users ?

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Mon Apr 16 13:46:54 UTC 2012

Le 15/04/2012 15:23, Jan Schneider a écrit :
> Zitat von Gerard Breiner <gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr>:
>> Hello,
>> I would like that users have only remote calendar so that if the 
>> webmail server is not accessible for any reason, users could access 
>> their agendas on the davical server from thunderbird lightning.
>> So, I have to create a script for exporting all agendas of each users 
>> into a ical file and another script side davical for importing them 
>> .  Could you please tell me what would be  the best way for doing 
>> this side kronolith if this is possible ?
> Take a look at the export functionality in data.php or lib/Api.php
Many thanks Jan for these hints... I just was looking at data.php... 
exportCalendar method  from Api.php is also a good track.
I think I will try to do something similar to pear/kronolith-import-icals.

Best regards.


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