[kronolith] kronolith: two post-install snags

Christof Buergi christof at buergi.lugs.ch
Thu Oct 4 07:56:16 UTC 2012

Am 03.10.2012 schrieb Brent:

> I note that %r in the strftime format means "time in am and pm  
> notation".  Somehow, the %X (preferred time designation without the  
> date) is returning %r.  Could it be something is not setting the  
> preferred timed designation correctly somewhere?  A standalone .php  
> script returns the correct time when using %x %X.

I'm not sure whether this is the problem, but for PHP scripts running  
in the context of a webserver, the "locale" is usually not set based  
on the operating system settings. Instead, it is usually set to "C"  
("POSIX international") by default. Thus %X is equivalent to %r.

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