[kronolith] "Other events" menu item not visible for all users on all browsers

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Jan 3 14:42:51 UTC 2013

Quoting Per olof Ljungmark <peo at intersonic.se>> On 01/02/13 18:57, Per  
olof Ljungmark wrote:
>> Horde 5.0.2
>> kronolith 4.0.2
>> Checked at work today with XP and FF 17, the "Other events" menu item
>> (where you can select weather) was not visible at all for anyone.
>> Checked with IE8, same result.
>> Now at home, it is visible for *some* users with FF16 and FreeBSD.
> Apparently dependant on Global Preferences/Personal Information/Default
> location to use for location-aware features.
> Remains to figure out why some browser/OS combos reports location and
> some not when this field is not filled in.
> Interesting.
> --
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This is only used for the weather data, so if Weather is your only  
"other" calendar then yes, that whole section will not be visible.

As far as where the location comes from,  we try the following in the  
following order:

1) The location pref
2) Search Turba for a contact, with an address, that has been marked  
as belonging to the current user.
3) Attempt to geolocated the browser's IP address.

Sent from mobile

Per olof Ljungmark <peo at intersonic.se> wrote:

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