[kronolith] ActiveSync editing bug

Simon Brereton simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 10:40:37 UTC 2013

On 19 February 2013 00:44, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>> Hi
>> I think this was raised once before and I thought it was going to be
>> fixed.  I don't know if it was, or not, or maybe it's me and my
>> set-up.
> I was never able to reproduce this.
>> Test
>> Create an all day appointment (in any time-zone) in Kronolith - say a
>> birthday or some such.
>> This will sync with an ActiveSync device
>> Use the ActiveSync device to edit the appointment for any reason
>> including changing the day, or the timezone, or the alarm.  (However,
>> more often than not it's because the appointments arrives as a solid
>> 24-hr block in my client's calendar than as the thin all day
>> notification.
> My all day events (created by selecting the 'all day' checkbox when creating
> the event) correctly come across to the device as a true all day event and
> are displayed as such.
>> Expectation is that the edits will accurately reflect the
>> appointment's new conditions.
>> Reality is that a day is added to the appointment and the edits show.
>> And this addition occurs every subsequent edit.
> I don't see this.
>> So, if I create an all-day appointment, edit it on the phone (usually
>> an Android), then a day is added and the appointment is now a 48 hour
>> block appointment instead of an all-day appointment.  Edit it again to
>> correct that and it's a 72 hour block appointment.
> Or this.
>> In principle this means I can only ever use the web-interface for
>> editing my appointments (I have a lot of all day appointments
>> reflecting staff scheduling.
> I have oodles of all day events as well, they all appear correct, thought to
> be honest I don't know for sure how many of the existing all day events I've
> edited after being created, but testing it now, it works as expected.
>> The second issue is that the alarm is 6 hours off.  The server is set
>> to UTC.  Horde5/Kronolith6 has a clean database which has always been
>> UTC.  If the appointment is in GMT-5 and the alarm is set for 5
>> minutes, it will go off 6 hours and 5 minutes before it's due if I'm
>> on the east coast, and ditto if the appointment is GMT+1.
> I don't recall seeing this, but will test with some upcoming notifications.
> Also, are you talking about the notifications being triggered in Horde or on
> the device?

On the device mainly.  I don't have any upcoming soon unfortunately,
but next time I shall check, as I seem to recall Horde has this
problem as well.

>> What can I do to diagnose this?
> Please create a ticket with all pertinent details, including timezone
> details used in the events (what timezone the event is created with, what
> timezone the user has set as default, what timezone the device is setup as
> etc...). I'll try my best to reproduce your setup, but if I can't reproduce
> it you'll have to trace this yourself.

I think, as Christoph suggests this is because a lot of UIs remove the
time when checking all-day and that makes the appointment Sun 00:00 to
Mon 00:00 which can be seen as overlapping on two days.  I have a new
Android device with 4.1 and this doesn't produce the same results as
I'm used to seeing.

I'll monitor it and try to create more detailed problem description in
a ticket if this is not resolved with the new client.

Thanks Michael


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