[kronolith] Timezone not working

Will Holland will at sandiegosunset.com
Mon Apr 28 18:27:47 UTC 2014

On 4/28/2014 10:30 AM, Will Holland wrote:
> Hi,
> I have set the timezone in Preferences->Global Preferences->Locale and 
> Time to America/Los_Angeles, but kronolith is not factoring in the 
> timezone when making events.
> Kronolith will also highlight as todays date, the date that it is in UTC.
> I have checked and the PHP default timezone is set to 
> America/Los_Angeles, and the server Date call returns PDT time.
> When loggin into horde, the last login date/time is in the correct 
> timezone.
> Is there a setting I am missing somewhere?
> Here is an example:
> In Kronolith make a new event for April 28th 8:AM to 9:AM. This Appt 
> shows correctly in kronolith. But looking at the ICS generated you can 
> see that the event was made in UTC, not the local timezone. So when it 
> syncs, the time is off by 7hours
> X-WR-CALNAME:Exchange
> PRODID:-//The Horde Project//Horde iCalendar Library//EN
> DTSTART:20140428T080000Z
> DTEND:20140428T090001Z
> DTSTAMP:20140428T172302Z
> UID:20140428172232.3Z-TI8twvYnjztC97XbRwA1 at webmail.sandiegosunset.com
> CREATED:20140428T172232Z
> LAST-MODIFIED:20140428T172232Z
> SUMMARY:new event

In Horde/registry.php I changed:
      *   - timezone: (boolean) Set the time zone?
      *               DEFAULT: false

to be true, and that solved the problem. I am guessing there is a config 
setting somewhere to change this instead of going into registry.php?

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