[kronolith] Android Phone syncing with Horde Calendar

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jun 2 13:17:16 UTC 2014

Quoting lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de:

> Zitat von Christian Family & Children's Center <info at champion.org>:
>> Hi,
>> I have tried to add my horde calendar to my Android (Samsung Galaxy  
>> S4) phone and cannot seem to get it to work.  Can anyone point me  
>> to some potentially clear directions?  Thanks.
> If using Active Sync and you are having somewhat bigger calendar or  
> slow server you should not use "Push" on first sync but a long time  
> based intervall like 30 minutes and let the phone do its work. You  
> can later use "Push" again but not on first sync. Otherwise you  
> might see only part of the events and later added events will fail  
> at random.

If you have a log of this happening, I'd like to see it so I can look  
into this. This should NOT be the case, unless there is some  
network/timeout issue.

The Horde Project
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