[kronolith] CalDAV client fails with 401 Authentication error

Aria Bamdad aria at bsc.gwu.edu
Wed Jun 4 19:11:28 UTC 2014


I had coded (for security) the following two statements in a PHP file:


that would get executed via an apache auto_prepend_file, example:

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
   php_admin_value auto_prepend_file /etc/apache2/php_auto_prepend_file.php

This would disable the availability of the user entered password with  
PHP code that is executed by apache.  However, it seems that the  
rpc.php would require this in order to authenticate the DAV client.

Once I removed this.  Everything seems to work.

What I don't understand is how is Funombol sync client able to  
authenticate with the above code in place.


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