[kronolith] Kronolith 4.2.3 calender shared with everyone

Jens Pranaitis pranaitis at phil.hhu.de
Mon Nov 17 13:25:01 UTC 2014

Hello list,

I'm having some trouble with a user who accidentally shared his calender 
with everyone, but can't reverse that.
He claims that he only shared the calenders with a specific set of 
users, but not globally. When I look at the calender id in the table 
kronolith_shares (is this the right table, or is it kronolith_sharesng?) 
I get the following information:
share_id 2681 share_name inTWLoZ96E-GdjeRnl2Tlg1 share_owner sfb991 
share_flags 1 perm_creator 6 perm_default 0 perm_guest 0  attribute_name 
redacted attribute_desc "" attribute_color #0e00e4 share_parents NULL

I tried setting share_flags to 0 or 2, but that didn't change anything 
(I don't know what the column means, I was just guessing based on other 

Any ideas what I could be missing?

Kind regards,

Jens Pranaitis
IKM-Serviceteam der Philosophischen Fakultät
HHU Düsseldorf
Gebäude 23.03, Ebene 01, Raum 27a
Tel.: 0211/81-13077

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