[kronolith] Using OS X Calendar app with Kronolith via CalDAV

Jens Wahnes wahnes at uni-koeln.de
Fri Jun 19 16:20:05 UTC 2015


using the "Calendar" app of Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), formerly known
as iCal, I'm seeing trouble accessing calendars provided by Horde.
However, using the same Calendar app of OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), all is
fine: Calendars are easily discovered and synced via CalDAV.  The same
goes for iOS, including the current version 8.3.

The wiki page <http://wiki.horde.org/CalDAV> states that it has been
tested using OS X 10.7, and I can see it working with 10.9, but has
anyone been able to get it working with 10.10?  Or am I the only one
who's got trouble using that combination?

From the server's logfile, I can tell that in the 10.10 case, there is
at least one request for an actual calendar, e.g.

"PROPPATCH /rpc.php/calendars/bbeispie/calendar~xlo8BRQUhS7F0MbGx2DyVJw/ HTTP/1.1"

but on the client, nothing is shown, i.e. the list of calendars remains
empty and no events are visible.

That (single) logfile entry is opposed to the 10.9 case (or other
clients) that issue several PROPPATCH and REPORT requests per calendar.

On the other side, the OS X 10.10 CalDAV client can't be totally
broken, because it is able to show calendars from other CalDAV servers
just fine.  So to me, is looks like some issue of "picky client and
unexpected server response" or the client using a newer protocol
version than the server is expecting or such.

Unfortunately, I'm not that deep into either CalDAV or Mac OS, so I
wouldn't know where to start debugging this.  All communications are
done over https, so it's not that easy to get a good view into the data
actually exchanged between client and server.  Is there a debug option
for CalDAV similar to Horde's IMAP debug log that can be enabled
through backends.local.php?  If so, I'd go ahead and turn that on.

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