[kronolith] Is there a way to reduce the notifications from Kronolith?

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Sep 11 13:16:05 UTC 2015

Quoting Christopher Etz <Christopher.Etz at time2bi.de>:

> We are currently considering Horde / Kronolith as a calender backend  
> for our small consulting company. I say "backend", because most  
> users will use Thunderbird/Lightning, iCal, Outlook or whatever as  
> the frontend with the Kronolith calendar being subscribed therein.
> Frequently, these tools save an event with no obvious change. And  
> every save operation seems to generate notification e-mails to all  
> attendees, which we consider somewhat annoying.
> Which options do we have to reduce the amount of notifications?  
> (Hopefully by configuration, and not by updating the source. ;-)

There is currently no way to control sending iTip messages when the  
event is modified via the API. If you want to change this you have to  
modify the code. Look for Kronolith::sendITipNotifications().

The Horde Project
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